School Zone Facts | SCDPS Skip to main content
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School Zone Facts

Here are some facts you should know

Young children are quick and often unaware of danger.  Each year, many children are injured or killed when they suddenly dart into the path of a car.

  • Most young children are injured near their home or on their own street.
  • Most crashes involving young children occur between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.
  • Most crashes involving young children occur in fair and warm weather.
  • Twice as many young boys are injured as young girls.

How can these tragedies be prevented?

  • Supervise young children at all times.  Young children should not be allowed to cross the street alone.  Teach them who can help them cross the street safely.

  • Teach by explaining.  Explain to your child the safe way you cross the street.  Say, “When I cross a street, I always stop at the curb.  I look for cars.  I look left for any traffic coming, and then I look right for traffic coming that way.  Then I look left again.  When it is clear, I cross the street and keep looking left and right.”

  • Teach by example.  When you cross a street with your child, always:
    • Stop at the curb.
    • Look Left-Right-Left for traffic in all directions.
    • Cross when it is clear.
    • Keep looking for vehicles as you cross.
  • Encourage your child.  As you both safely cross the street together, praise your child for copying your safe actions and words.  Practice what you teach at all times!
